Modern Business Websites Designs

7 Essential Elements Modern Business Websites Designs Should Have

For any business owner who is looking for web designers to design and build a new website, the process of choosing one can be somewhat similar to that if you were choosing a kitchen designer or landscaping designer. You would ask around to see if anyone you know could recommend one, you would research their past work, and then you might request that they create a quotation for you.

Another similarity is that, with a kitchen and a landscaped garden, there will be essential elements you would insist upon having in their designs. In a kitchen, you would want a sink and a cooker. In a landscaped garden, a lawn, and pathways, for example. So, when it comes to hiring web designers to create your new website, there will be some elements within its design that are essential and non-negotiable in terms of their inclusion.

Thankfully, if you do proper research and choose a professional web designer with a proven track record, then it is almost certain that their knowledge and experience already have them aware of what those non-negotiables are. The question is, do you know what must be included within your website? If not, we have explained them all below for you.

Clearly Defined Objectives

As with any business undertaking you make, a website must have a goal, even before the first piece of code has been created. With no clear objectives, a website is merely something to look at and will impact your business no more than the pictures you hang on your office walls.

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Web Design

Web Design: Behind the Curtains

According to Web Design Perth, web design is the creation and planning of websites. As online resources and websites increasingly become a regular part of our lives, web designing is becoming a highly desired skill.

Web Design involves the standards for rendering and building Web pages, including HTML & CSS, device APIs, SVG and other elements for WebApps (Web Applications).


Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a couple of the ‘languages’ or technologies used to build and design pages on the internet.

CSS relates to the Aural and visual layouts whereas HTML deals with its structure. They are the basis of designing Web Applications and Web pages, along with being associated with scripting and graphics.

Uses of HTML:

  • At the click of a button, it allows you to, via hypertext links, retrieve information online.
  • Publish online documents containing photos, headings, lists, tables, text etc.
  • Include sound clips, video clips, spreadsheets, and other similar applications into their documents.
  • Design forms that allow remote transactions to be conducted for ordering products, make reservations, search for information etc.

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AdWords Marketing

Implementing a AdWords Marketing

AdWords Marketing was introduced in 2000 by Google as the “Self-Service Advertising Program”. Now they have become an important element of several online businesses.

Digital marketing defines AdWords as a pay-per-click service that allows the creation and running of Ads for your business. These are clickable Ads posted above the Google search results. Using the correct keywords targeting the appropriate audience, AdWords allows you to reach people who are already interested in the service or product you provide.

Listed here are a few reasons you should incorporate AdWords marketing in your businesses.

  1. They are Flexible and Measurable

Unlike conventional marketing channels, such as print media or television, online marketing is easily measurable. SEO campaigns, although valuable in their own right, it is challenging to effectively and accurately measure what caused a rise or fall in your ranking.

This is where AdWords marketing comes in, it allows you to categorically measure what works and what doesn’t. It also has options that allow you to customize your campaign options and fit your needs.

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Website Design Impact

How Can My Website Design Impact My Online Marketing Efforts?

Digital marketing is one of the major advertising streams for lawyers and law firms around the world. Things like Google AdWords, SEO, branding, and social media marketing are terms that pretty much every marketing team in the world has to be familiar with today, as they form the cornerstone of effective advertising.

However, there is one thing that isn’t talked about as much as it probably should be – the important of web design to your digital marketing efforts. If your website isn’t as well designed as it perhaps could be, will it hurt your marketing efforts?

First, Yes It Will!

Your website is basically the cornerstone of your online presence. If it’s poorly designed or not put together well this can reflect badly on your firm. A modern website design can be reflective of the people or company that designed it. This can result in people seeing you and your law firm as poor quality or less skilled than others who have better websites – something that you definitely don’t want!

If you want to avoid this, then your best option is probably to employ a high-quality web design team from the start. Don’t try and save money by doing it yourself or by getting your girlfriend’s brother’s best friend to do it cheap for you. When it comes to web design, you get what you pay for.

Your Website Also Reflects On Your Business Image

Branding should be another key element of your online marketing strategy. A clear, well defined brand is essential to make sure that your law firm is immediately recognisable and to help you stand out above your competitors.

However, a poorly made website that isn’t clearly branded can have huge negative impacts on your marketing efforts. People are very good at picking up on poor quality or badly made websites, and they will subconsciously penalise you if your branding isn’t consistent across the internet.

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SEO Expert

Are Search Engine Optimization Experts Worth The Money?

If you need your website to rank higher in the search engines then you may have considered paying a search engine optimization expert to help you out. An experienced small business SEO expert is a company who keeps up to date with search engine algorithm changes, and uses safe and ethical methods to help rank websites in the major search engines.

However, due to the sheer number of changes occurring on a daily or weekly basis with search engine algorithms, it can be difficult even for the most attentive people to keep up with developments and try to guess what may be a good ranking factor. Increasingly, search engine optimization is being replaced by general search marketing and social media promotions and optimization as many believe that the future of SEO lies in these areas.

So should you pay a search engine optimization company to assist you in your web promotion and rankings needs? There are mixed opinions on this choice nowadays. Some people believe that SEO companies are unable to demystify the search engine ranking factors any more so than the average webmaster. Whilst others view the fact that experts are constantly keeping up with new updates and developments, so they are in a much better position to evaluate actions that website owners need to take in order to improve their chances of ranking well.

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Social Media

Does Social Media Impact my Website SEO?

In short, your social media posts and content don’t directly impact your website SEO, no. However, there are plenty of different ways that your social media profiles can impact your overall SEO efforts, especially if you’re posting regularly and have large followings because Google relies on SEO more than it will care to admit.

With this in mind, SEO agency, Slinky Digital had a close look at the different ways that social media influences SEO. The exact extent to which your social media will impact your SEO depends on your situation, but some of the things that it can do include:

Help You Distribute Your Content

Essentially, your SEO score is directly related to visitor behaviour on your website. So, it makes sense that posting your content to social media will impact your SEO score, to some extent at least.

To put things simply, posting your content to social media can help drive interested visitors to your website. Since people are only likely to click on social media links if they’re actually planning to read them, these people will likely spend some time on your website.

This should boost your visitor retention time, which will definitely have a positive impact on your SEO efforts.

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SEO Tools

Should I Use SEO Tools on My Website?

If you’re a newbie to the world of SEO, you might not know where to start. It’s easy to get sucked into different SEO scams, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of paying for essentially useless tools or SEO services from inexperienced ‘professionals’.

However, I understand that marketing budgets can be tight, especially when you’re just getting started. With this in mind, I decided to write this article to help you figure out whether or not you should be using SEO tools, and if so, which ones.

What Are SEO Tools?

To put it simply, an SEO tool is anything that is designed to help you increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts or streamline otherwise time-consuming processes. There are hundreds, if not thousands of different SEO tools out there, but they certainly aren’t all useful.

But, there are certainly some high-quality, affordable tools available that I’d recommend using when you’re optimizing your website. I’ve covered some of the most popular below. But first, let’s have a quick look at some of the reasons why you should use at least a few SEO tools.

What Are The Benefits Of Using SEO Tools?

Basically, SEO tools are designed to streamline different business processes and make things easier for you. Some of the benefits associated with using high-quality SEO tools include:

  • High quality tools will give you an insight into your competitors and the things that they’re doing. This will help inform your strategy, giving you information and knowledge that you can use to overtake them.
  • Some tools also give you access to the backlink profiles of your competitors. This is a great way to identify potential backlink sources for your own website, especially when you’re just getting started.
  • SEO tools generally include some sort of keyword generation tools. Often, they also include some measure of the competitiveness of certain keywords, which makes them very useful for selecting which keywords you’re going to use.
  • Finally, some SEO tools are designed to help you with on-page SEO, optimising things like your meta descriptions and keyword placement.

As you can see, you should definitely be using at least some SEO tools. But, choosing the right ones can be hard.

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Law Firm Marketing On Twitter

Top 4 Tips For Law Firm Marketing On Twitter

If you manage digital marketing for law firms like Lawyers Perth, you probably already understand the importance of social media marketing (SMM). Most mediation services or law firms marketing experts use Facebook and Twitter, among others, because they are two of the most popular social media platforms in the world.

However, it can be hard to get SMM right, especially when it comes to Twitter. Some law firm marketers put hours of work per week into Twitter marketing, but this simply isn’t necessary. Luckily for you, a few small changes to your Twitter marketing strategy can help you get more results with much less effort.

Out top 4 tips for law firm or mediation services marketing on Twitter include:

  1. Make Sure You Engage With Your Followers

Simply sharing your blog posts and a few other things from time to time isn’t enough. Instead, you need to put more effort into starting discussions and engaging with your followers. Answer people’s questions, try and reply to/thank people who retweet your content, and make sure you respond in some way to everyone who interacts with your tweets. Doing this will help strengthen your brand and should lead to a lot more referral traffic and potential clients visiting your website.

  1. Consider Using Personal Accounts

While your firm’s Twitter account is the place where most of your law marketing efforts should begin, personal accounts can also be a strong weapon. Try and engage your firm’s followers with your personal profile. Retweet your firm’s posts on your personal page, and engage with people whenever possible. Doing this can strengthen your relationships with potential clients, and should lead to increased conversions.

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Is Still Relevant in 2018

Email marketing is one of the most effective channels for digital marketing when you consider it in terms of driving traffic to websites to increase leads and convert them into sales. That’s why it is necessary to consider a fresh approach to email marketing with each passing year and make the best of this marketing channel.

Email marketing can be one of the most powerful tools when it comes to digital marketing if it is used correctly. It’s the one manner which can be most effective when it comes to building a brand’s relationship with its customers. The utility of personalized recommendations through email marketing can turn a prospective customer into someone who will become a long-term benefactor of the brand by becoming a loyal customer.

Digital marketing in all its forms has the purpose of improving the customer experience and in turn driving more sales for a brand. With email marketing at the helm of it all, a brand’s digital marketing strategy can strengthen the relationship between a brand and a customer.

Since email marketing has a significant impact on the revenue generation of all brands, it is still a most relevant channel for businesses to capitalize on. There are plenty of strategies which successful brands will be utilizing when it comes to email marketing in 2018.

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Content Marketing

Seven Tips To Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly

As long as the internet exists and people seek information there will always be a need for content, especially content which is written. Content also plays a big role in SEO strategies with articles, reviews, blog posts, social media posts and information on websites all used to help improve a website’s relevance and ranking in the eyes of Google.

If you use written content to help your SEO rankings, there are some simple methods to ensure that it is working in the best way possible for you. Here are seven which you should be aware of and using.

#1 Word Count: Not many people are aware but Google has an optimum word count for articles and other written content. They do not want it to be too short, nor do they want it to be too long either. The specifics are a minimum word count of 300, with an ideal length of 700 to 800 words.

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