Web Design

Web Design: Behind the Curtains

According to Web Design Perth, web design is the creation and planning of websites. As online resources and websites increasingly become a regular part of our lives, web designing is becoming a highly desired skill.

Web Design involves the standards for rendering and building Web pages, including HTML & CSS, device APIs, SVG and other elements for WebApps (Web Applications).


Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a couple of the ‘languages’ or technologies used to build and design pages on the internet.

CSS relates to the Aural and visual layouts whereas HTML deals with its structure. They are the basis of designing Web Applications and Web pages, along with being associated with scripting and graphics.

Uses of HTML:

  • At the click of a button, it allows you to, via hypertext links, retrieve information online.
  • Publish online documents containing photos, headings, lists, tables, text etc.
  • Include sound clips, video clips, spreadsheets, and other similar applications into their documents.
  • Design forms that allow remote transactions to be conducted for ordering products, make reservations, search for information etc.

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CSS3 Tricks

Web Design – Coolest Recent CSS3 Tricks

We haven’t been showing enough love to CSS3 lately. There is a fundamental shift in web design happening right now, between the end of the Flash era, beginning of the HTML5 era, and the advent of (at last!) working CSS3. Here’s a roundup list of pretty and/or cool tricks in CSS3 that just make you go “Awesome!”