Content Marketing

Seven Tips To Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly

As long as the internet exists and people seek information there will always be a need for content, especially content which is written. Content also plays a big role in SEO strategies with articles, reviews, blog posts, social media posts and information on websites all used to help improve a website’s relevance and ranking in the eyes of Google.

If you use written content to help your SEO rankings, there are some simple methods to ensure that it is working in the best way possible for you. Here are seven which you should be aware of and using.

#1 Word Count: Not many people are aware but Google has an optimum word count for articles and other written content. They do not want it to be too short, nor do they want it to be too long either. The specifics are a minimum word count of 300, with an ideal length of 700 to 800 words.

#2 Heading and Subheadings: Having eye-catching headings and subheadings within your content not only grabs the attention of the person reading it, but it also has advantages when it comes to Google analysing your content. The use of H1 to H6 tags where appropriate will optimise the structure of your content for better reading and ranking.

#3 Unique and Interesting: Regardless of the form your content takes, your readers should always find your content interesting and informative. This will increase the time they spend on your website and if it is good enough they will also be more inclined to share your content. You should also make sure that any content you produce is original, as using duplicated content means taking a huge risk with your ranking.

#4 Natural Keyword Density: You should be aware that the old tactic of stuffing content full of keywords no longer works and is one of the quickest ways to be penalised by Google. Use keywords and keyword phrases which your research has shown to be relevant but ensure you use them naturally in terms of both frequency and context in your writing.

#5 Linking Out: One of the most underused SEO tactics in relation to content, is linking out from a piece of writing to other websites. In particular, linking out to relative and authoritative websites within your niche adds to your own website’s overall ranking score.

#6 Using Images: Although we are talking primarily about text-based content, the use of images within written content is a tactic that can bring positive results. Firstly, it can make the content piece more interesting to the reader, which is never a bad thing (see #3). Secondly, it has benefits in respect of your SEO, as tagging an image with a keyword gives an extra boost to your page’s relevance as far as Google is concerned.

#7 Encourage Sharing: One of the best ways to use your content is to encourage the sharing of it. No matter where your content is posted, try to add a tagline asking people to share it, or if you want to go a stage further to use it as content on their own website. The number of extra backlinks this will create is potentially unlimited with even the possibility of an article or social media post going viral. When that happens, you can definitely look forward to higher rankings.